Book Chapters
Representation of Security and Dependability Solutions
Francisco Sanchez-Cid, Antonio Maña Gomez, George Spanoudakis, Daniel Serrano and Antonio Muñoz
In Security and Dependability for Ambient Intelligence, (eds) Spanoudakis G., Mana A., Kokolakis, Information Security Series, Springer, ISBN-978-0-387-88775-3, June 2009.
Verification of S&D solutions for workflows, network communications and devices
Carsten Rudolph, Luca Compagna, Antonio Muñoz, and Jurgen Repp
In Security and Dependability for Ambient Intelligence, (eds) Spanoudakis G., Mana A., Kokolakis, Information Security Series, Springer, ISBN-978-0-387-88775-3, June 2009.,
Realising the Potential of SERENITY in Emerging AmI Ecosystems: Implications and Challenges.
Alvaro Armenteros, Laura Garcia, Antonio Muñoz and Antonio Maña.
In Security and Dependability for Ambient Intelligence, (eds) Spanoudakis G., Mana A., Kokolakis, Information Security Series, Springer, ISBN-978-0-387-88775-3, June 2009.,
Model Cheking Ambient Intelligence with AVISPA.
Antonio Muñoz, Antonio Maña and Daniel Serrano.
In IO Press Edited by: Peter Mikulecký, Tereza Lisková, Pavel Cech and Vladimir Bures, 2009. ISSN 1875-4163. ISBN 978-1-58603-946-2.,
“Security-aware Engineering of Service Oriented Systems”
Antonio Maña Gomez, Gimena Pujol and Antonio Muñoz
Springer Verlag,
Edited by: Eduardo Fernandez Medina, 2009.
- TPM-based Protection for Mobile Agents
Antonio Muñoz and Antonio Maña Gomez
In the International Journal of Security and Communications Networks
- The Role of Trusted Computing in the Secure Agent Migration
Antonio Muñoz, Antonio Maña and Daniel Serrano
In International Journal of Computer Science & Applications. ISSN 0972-9038,
International Conferences
- “ On Secure Profiling ”
Antonio Muñoz, Javier Lopez and Jose A. Onieva
International Workshop on Secure and Ubiquitous Networks (SUN'05 )
DEXA'05, pp. 214-218. IEEE5, Copengaghen, Denmark. 2005.
- “ Protected Computing: An Alternative to Trusted Computing. ”
Antonio Maña and Antonio Muñoz.
In 6th Edition e-Smart 2005.
e-Smart'05 Sophia Antipolis, (France).
- “ A Secure and Auto-configurable Environment for Mobile Agents in Ubiquitous Computing Scenarios ”
Javier Lopez, Antonio Maña and Antonio Muñoz
Third International Conference, Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing Wuhan, China, September 2006.
UIC'06 in proceedings pp. 977-987. Published by springer.
- “ Mutual Protection for Multiagent Systems ”
Antonio Maña and Antonio Muñoz
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Safety and Security in Multiagent Systems (SASEMAS '06). 2006.
AAMAS '06r, Hakodate, Japan, May 2006
- “ Protected Computing vs. Trusted Computing ”
Antonio Maña and Antonio Muñoz
First International Conference on Communication System Software and Middleware. IEEE.
COMSWARE'06, Co-sponsored by IEEE in New Delhi, India. 2006.
- “ Towards Secure Ambient Intelligence Scenarios. ”
Antonio Maña, Francisco Sanchez-Cid, Daniel Serrano and Antonio Muñoz.
Eighteenth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
SEKE'06. (KSI, ISBN: 1-891706-16-0). San Francisco Bay, USA, July 5-7, 2006
- “ Software Engineering Techniques Applied to AmI: Security Patterns. ”
Francisco Sanchez-Cid, Daniel Serrano, Antonio Muñoz, Mari Carmen Gago
Ambient Intelligence Developments Conference
(AmID’06). (Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 2-287-47469-2). Sophia Antipolis, France, September 2006.
- “ Análisis de la Seguridad en Ecosistemas de Ambiente Inteligente. ”
Juan José Ortega, Antonio Maña, Antonio Muñoz, Alejandro Gómez.
El Cuarto Congreso Iberoamericano de Seguridad Informática.
CIBSI'07 Rio de la Plata (Argentina).
“ Towards Secure Agent Computing for Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. ”
Antonio Maña, Antonio Muñoz and Daniel Serrano.
Fourth International Conference, Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing.
UIC'07. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-540-73548-9. LNCS, Springer Verlag. Hong Kong (China) 2007.
“ Facilitating the Use of TPM Technologies through S&D Patterns. ”
Antonio Maña and Antonio Muñoz.
In DEXA Proceedings. IEEE.
SPatterns '07. Regensburg (Germany).
“ Trusted Code Execution in JavaCard. ”
Antonio Maña and Antonio Muñoz.
In Proceedings Springer-Verlag, LNCS.
Trustbus '07. Regensburg (Germany).
“ Dynamic Security and Dependability Patterns for Ambient Intelligence. ”
Antonio Muñoz, Francisco Sanchez, Luca Campagna, Paul Elkhoury.
In Proceedingsin 2nd edition Ambient Intelligence Conference 2007. ISBN 978-2-287-78543-6.
AMID'07 Springer-Verlag proceedings in Sophia Antipolis, (France).
“ Agent Paradigm for Engineering AmI. ”
Amed Raian, Amir Sameh, Paolo Giorgini, Antonio Maña and Antonio Muñoz.
In Proceedingsin 2nd edition Ambient Intelligence Conference 2007. ISBN 978-2-287-78543-6.
AMID'07 Springer-Verlag proceedings in Sophia Antipolis, (France).
“ Secure Profiles as Cornerstones in Emerging Ambient Intelligence Scenarios. ”
Antonio Maña, Antonio Muñoz, Daniel Serrano.
In Proceedingsin 2nd edition Ambient Intelligence Conference 2007. ISBN 978-2-287-78543-6.
AMID'07 Springer-Verlag proceedings in Sophia Antipolis, (France).
“ Trusted Computing & Protected Computing. ”
Antonio Maña and Antonio Muñoz.
In ESFORS 2007.
ESFORS'07 Maribor, July 10-11th , 2007.
“ A Hardware based Infrastructure for Agent Protection. ”
Antonio Muñoz and Antonio Maña
In Proceedings of 3rd Symposium of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence 2008. Springer Verlag
UCAMI'08. ISSN 16-15-3871. ISBN 978-3-540-85866-9. Springer-Verlag. University of Salamanca, Spain (22-24th October, 2008)University of Salamanca, Spain (22-24th October, 2008)
“ Secure Software execution with Protected Computing Paradigm. ”
Antonio Maña and Antonio Muñoz
In First International Workshop on Remote Entrusting
RE-TRUST'08 October 15-16, 2008.Trento – Italy.
“ Security and Dependability in Ambient Intelligence scenarios: The communication prototype. ”
Alvaro Armenteros, Antonio Muñoz, Antonio Maña and Daniel Serrano.
To appear in ICEIS 2009 International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems in 6 - 10, May 2009 Milan, Italy.
ICEIS'09 Published by Springer.
“ Model Checking Ambient Intelligence Scenarios with AVISPA. ”
Antonio Muñoz, Daniel Serrano, Antonio Maña.
ARES 2009 The International Dependability Conference in March, 16th - 19th 2009 in Fukuoka Institute of Technology (FIT) Fukuoka, Japan. Published by IEEE
“ SecMiLiA: An Approach in the Agent Protection. ”
Antonio Muñoz, Antonio Maña and Daniel Serrano.
To appear in the proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
ARES 2009 The International Dependability Conference in March, 16th - 19th 2009 in Fukuoka Institute of Technology (FIT).Fukuoka, Japan. Published by IEEE
“ Trusted Computing: The Cornerstone in the Secure Migration Library for Agents. ”
Antonio Muñoz, Antonio Maña, Daniel Serrano.
In Proc. of the International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems in Salamanca (Spain).
PAAMS´09. ISSN 1867-5662. ISBN 978-3-642-00486-5. Springer-Verlag.
“ Hardware Protection of Agents in Ubiquitous and Ambient Intelligence Environments. ”
Antonio Maña, Antonio Muñoz, Daniel Serrano.
In proc. of the International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems in Salamanca (Spain).
PAAMS´09. ISSN 1867-5662. ISBN 978-3-642-00486-5. Springer-Verlag proceedings.
“ Protected Computing Approach: Towards the Mutual Protection of Agent Computing. ”
Antonio Maña, Antonio Muñoz, Daniel Serrano.
In proc. of the International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems in Salamanca (Spain)
PAAMS´09. ISSN 1867-5662. ISBN 978-3-642-00486-5. Springer-Verlag proceedings.
“ The Role of Trusted Computing in the Secure Migration Library for Agents. ”
Antonio Muñoz, Antonio Maña, Daniel Serrano.
In the proceedings of the RCIS'09 is the 3rd International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science. ISBN #978-1-4244-2864-9.
RCIS´09 to be held from 22 to 24 April 2009, Fez, Morocco. Published by IEEE.
“ Development of Applications Based on Security Patterns. ”
Antonio Muñoz, Beatriz Gallego, Alvaro Armenteros, Jose Ruiz, Antonio Maña, Daniel Serrano.
To appear in the proceedings of the DEPEND 09
DEPEND 09 Athens. Published by IEEE.
“ A Hardware based approach for protecting Multi-agent Systems. ”
Antonio Muñoz, Antonio Maña and Marioli Montenegro.
To appear in the proceedings of the DEPEND 09
IADIS International Conference Intelligent Systems and Agents 2009 Carvoeiro,Portugal. 21-23 June 2009.Published by InderScience Publishers.
“ Security Patterns, towards a further level. ”
Beatriz Gallego, Daniel Serrano, Antonio Muñoz and Antonio Maña.
To appear in the proceedings of the International Conference of Security and Cryptography.
SECRYPT´09 to be held from 7 to 10 July 2009, Milano, Italy. Published by Springer.
“ Agent Protection based on the use of cryptographic hardware. ”
Antonio Muñoz, Antonio Maña, Rajesh Harjani and Marioli Montenegro.
To appear in the proceedings of the 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference.
COMPSAC´09 to be held in Seattle,Washington, July 20 - July 24, 2009. Published by IEEE.
“ A Solution based on Cryptographic Hardware for Agent Protection. ”
Antonio Muñoz and Antonio Maña
In Second International Workshop on Remote Entrusting
RE-TRUST'09 Sept 30- October 1, 2009. Riva del Garda. Italy.
“ In the track of the Agent Protection: A solution based on cryptographic hardware”
Antonio Muñoz, Antonio Maña and Pablo Antón
In MMM-ACNS (Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for Computer Networks Security),
8-11 Sept., 2010, St. PetersBurgo, Rusia.Published by Springer in LNCS vol. 6258.
“ A solution based on cryptographic hardware to protect agents”
Antonio Muñoz, Antonio Maña and Pablo Antón
In ADPNA in conjuction with NbiS (Network-Based Information Systems), 14-16 sept.
Takayama, Japan. Published by IEEE Press.
National Conferences
- "ePPV: Un sistema de pago por visión sobre Internet”
Sergio Garrido, Antonio Maña, Antonio Muñoz, Domingo Muñoz
VIII Reunión Española sobre Criptología y Seguridad de la Información VIII RECSI '04 , Madrid, Septiembre 2004.
- " Perfiles Seguros para Comercio Móvil "
Antonio Muñoz, Jose A. Onieva, Javier Lopez
III Simposio Español de Comercio Electrónico SCE '05 pp. 235-244, Palma de Mallorca, 2005.
Universitat de les Illes Balears. ISBN: 84-7632-929-6.
- " Confiabilidad de la ejecución de código en JavaCard. "
Antonio Maña, Antonio Muñoz
I Congreso Español de Informática, CEDI '05 , Granada 2005
- " Seguridad Dinámica en Ambientes Inteligentes. "
Francisco Sanchez-Cid, Daniel Serrano, Antonio Muñoz, Antonio Maña
IX Reunión Española sobre Criptología y Seguridad de la Información IX RECSI '06.
(UOC Press, ISBN: 84-9788-502-3) Barcelona, Septiembre 2006.
- " Computación Confiable frente a Computación Protegida. "
Antonio Maña, Antonio Muñoz, Daniel Serrano
IX Reunión Española sobre Criptología y Seguridad de la Información IX RECSI '06.
(UOC Press, ISBN: 84-9788-502-3) Barcelona, Septiembre 2006.
- " TPM en Sistemas de Protección de Streaming Media. "
Antonio Maña, Antonio Muñoz, Gimena Pujol
II Congreso Español de Informática, CEDI '07 , Zaragoza 2007
- " Computación Segura de Sistemas Multiagentes Aplicada en Ambientes Inteligentes. "
Antonio Maña, Antonio Muñoz, Daniel Serrano.
X Reunión Española sobre Criptología y Seguridad de la Información X RECSI '08 , Salamanca, Septiembre 2008.
ISBN 978-84-691-5158-7.
- " Componentes Ejecutables: Un paso más allá en los Patrones de Seguridad. "
Daniel Serrano, Beatriz Gallego-Nicasio Crespo , Antonio Muñoz y Antonio Maña.
X Reunión Española sobre Criptología y Seguridad de la Información X RECSI '08 , Salamanca, Septiembre 2008.
ISBN 978-84-691-5158-7.
- " Desarrollo de aplicaciones basado en patrones de seguridad "
Daniel Serrano, José F. Ruiz, Antonio Maña, Antonio Muñoz.
VIII Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática 2009. JITEL 2009, Cartagena, 15-17 Septiembre 2009.
- "El Paradigma del Agente aplicado en la Ingeniería de Inteligencia Ambiental"
Marioli Montenegro, Pablo Antón, Antonio Maña y Antonio Muñoz
XI Recsi (Reunión Española sobre Criptografía y Seguridad de la información)Tarragona, 7-10 Septiembre 2010.
- “Una metodología para la protección mutua automática de sistemas multiagentes”
Pablo Antón, Antonio Muñoz y Antonio Maña
XI Recsi (Reunión Española sobre Criptografía y Seguridad de la información)Tarragona, 7-10 Septiembre 2010.
- "Infraestructura para el Mantenimiento y Evolución de Seguridad y Dependabilidad en Escenarios de Computación Dinámica"
Antonio Maña, Rajesh Harjani, José F. Ruiz y Antonio Muñoz
XI Recsi (Reunión Española sobre Criptografía y Seguridad de la información)Tarragona, 7-10 Septiembre 2010.